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As a leading provider of ignition interlock devices, we know that this time of year always has a lot...
Halloween is such a fun holiday. It's filled with candy, costumes, and celebrations. Trick-or-treate...
Labor Day marks the unofficial end to summer. But according to the National Highway Traffic Safety A...
"Traffic spikes, partying, drunk driving, and bad decisions all contribute to the deadliest holidays...
"Traffic spikes, partying, drunk driving, and bad decisions all contribute to the deadliest holidays...
According to NHTSA, 47 people died in drunk driving crashes during Cinco de Mayo 2019. That accounts...
We’ve all heard of green beer, leprechauns, and shamrocks. But what exactly are we celebrating...
Are you looking for a specific interlock device installation location? Smart Start of Louisiana...
Many of our interlock device customers tell us they knew they needed to make changes to their drinki...
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