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Thanksgiving is a time for gathering with family and friends and giving thanks for all we have. Unfo...
You have to make sure you don't cut the grass too short, but make sure you don't leave it too...
When you get a DUI or DWI, you're often faced with penalties and costs. But when a child is in...
Did you get a DWI in Gonzales, Louisiana? And now you have to install a Louisiana DMV approved ignit...
Summer is a fun time to gather with family and friends. Pool parties, outdoor barbecues, and beach v...
You convinced yourself you were OK to drive or you simply thought you wouldn’t get caught. You...
You're cruising on the lake, or you're fishing offshore, or you're headed to meet friends at the cam...
Did you get pulled over for driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) in ...
If you have met the requirements of your restricted license, OMV, and your automobile blow machine, ...
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