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Alcohol plays a role in the lives of many people. For most of us alcohol is no big deal. We lov...
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and many ot...
A new year brings a new start, a fresh chance to begin with a clean slate. A new year encourages...
When you're stressed or upset, you may find comfort in a glass of wine or a margarita. If you're jus...
Many people enjoy having a few drinks at a bar. As more bars are offering curbside alcohol (aka to g...
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and many ot...
Ignition interlock devices, or vehicle breathalyzers, have great potential in the fight against drin...
A new year brings a new start, a fresh chance to begin with a clean slate. A new year encourages...
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