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We hear it a lot - someone thought they were OK to drive but ended up getting a DUI and...
Thanksgiving is a time for gathering with family and friends and giving thanks for all we have. Unfo...
We constantly post reminders begging people to drive safely and avoid drunk driving. As an ignition ...
Teens. They give us a hard time, they give us gray hair... and they give us a reminder of our...
While browsing information related to mental health and Suicide Prevention Month, we found some inte...
As the premier provider of ignition interlock devices in Louisiana, we have a lot of resources inves...
We know some of our interlock client and potential interlock clients have questions, so we do our be...
"Sometimes I am angry. Sometimes disgusted. I always feel bad for the little girl who is me, whose l...
"I choose to break the cycle of alcoholism in my family. My fear is for my children. They have addic...
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